
Showing posts from August, 2018

Scanning negatives with Epson V550

Before buying my scanner I did a lot of research and finally went for EPSON V550. I knew a lot about this model, read a lot of positive reviews, but there were still couple of things that surprised me. 1. Standard frame holders don't allow to scan negative with border This was slightly disappointing, as I wanted to do couple of those fancy images where entire area of negative is visible, including all the film markings outside of picture. It turned out that this is not possible when using frame holders that came with the scanner, even though scanning area is big enough to include them. Workaround for this is to make your own frame holder, which is not very convenient to use. This applies to both, medium format 120 film as well as 135 film. This might not be a big issue, however, some cameras, like Fuji GA645 imprint exposure information on the area outside of picture, so you can later see at what aperture, shutter speed, date and time particular picture was taken - such in...